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TERM 2 Monday Boy's Football - Years 4 & 5
TERM 2 Monday Boy's Football - Years 4 & 5
TERM 2 Monday Boy's Football - Years 4 & 5
Boys football will take place on Mondays with Mr. Benson & Miss Brees at the ISM Playground. All Year 4 & 5
boys are
welcome to participate and should wear their sports kit for this activity. Boys must bring a water bottle with
them to the playground.

Meeting point:Class 5A
Pick up point:Back entrance
Teachers:Mr. Benson
Time:15.30 - 16.30
Payment: N/A

If your child is in Year 4 and would like to join football on Thursdays with Year 3 this is an alternative football
activity as there are still spaces available.

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