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Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Club La Santa, Lanzarote - 23.1-30.1.25 - G.Joyce - BDY24
Club La Santa, Lanzarote - 23.1-30.1.25 - G.Joyce - BDY24
Club La Santa, Lanzarote - 23.1-30.1.25 - G.Joyce - BDY24
Club La Santa, Lanzarote
Organised by G.Joyce
£1235.00 total cost of the trip per student

£300.00 non refundable deposit to be paid by 31.5.24
£187.00 1st instalment to be paid by 30.6.24
£187.00 2nd instalment to be paid by 31.7.24
£ 187.00 3rd instalment to be paid by 31.8.24
£187.00 4th instalment to be paid by 30.9.24
£187.00 final instalment to be paid by 31.10.24

> Download Code of conduct for Lanzarote trip

Places still available : 23

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select below)
Your Payment History

This account has not yet made any payments for this item

Please select to pay the entire amount.
£ 1,235.00 - Pay Total = £ 1,235.00
.. or select from the instalment options below.
£ 300.00 - Pay Deposit = £ 300.00
£ 187.00 -
£187.00 1st instalment

Payment to be made by 30.6.24

£ 187.00 -
£187.00 2nd instalment

Payment to be made by 31.7.24

£ 187.00 -
£187.00 3rd instalment

Payment to be made by 30.8.24

£ 187.00 -
£187.00 4th instalment

Payment to be made by 30.9.24

£ 187.00 -
£187.00 final balance

To be paid by 31.10.24

£ 0.00 -
I will select the amount to pay
Please select the amount you would like to pay 
Max 6 digits allowed for payment.

Lanzarote trip statement
Passport details and Visa's 
Yes, I agree.
Students must have six months on their passport from the date they will return from the trip. Please renew passports well before travel. If a student is a national from a country outside the EU, wishing to visit or travel within the EU, you will need a valid passprt that is valid for at least 3 months after the date you intend to leave the EU, and it must have been issued in the last 10 years. This means your travel document must have been issued within the previous 10 years the day you enter the EU that is valid until the end of your stay plus an additional 3 months. Any student without a valid passport will not be able to participate and you will lose your deposit plus any monies paid (see payment schedule). It is your responsibility to check your young person has the correct visa/entry requirements to travel to the given country, this can be checked on http://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration .

I confirm I have read and agreed the code of conduct 
Yes, I agree.
All students attending the residential represent HSDC at all times. It will be forbidden to have alcohol, solvents or any illegal drugs in their possession at any time. This applies to all young people (over 18's included) and will result in sanctions being applied. I am signing up to this trip agreeing these conditions of the colleges code of conduct.

Medical and Insurance 
Yes, I agree.
In the event of a medical emergency and my young person being unable to fly home post the end of the trip. I understand I will be required to fly to Lanzarote to assume responsibility for them (the cost of flight, accommodation, transfers and repatriation will be covered by the college's insurance). The college has a comprehensive travel insurance policy, however there may be exclusions to this. In the event your young person is affected by any exclusions, the college will notify you separately and I understand I may need to take out a separate travel insurance policy. I understand it is my duty to inform the college of all medical, dietary and behavioural issues. Any undeclared pre-existing medical conditions may not be covered by the College's insurance.

I understand that the £300.00 deposit is non-refundable 
Yes, I agree.
Before paying the deposit of £300.00 please make sure you have read and agreed all the information and that your young person meets all requirements regarding passport and vaccination status. Please also note that the cost quoted may be subject to change, based on the final trip numbers. In the event uptake is lower than anticipated, I understand the college may increase the amount payable for the residential trip.

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select above)
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