Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Worthing High School Support Fund
With school budgets under huge and unprecedented pressure, we have set up a School Support Fund to enable parents and carers to make voluntary contributions that will benefit our students. The Fund will help us to ensure that these budget constraints do not affect our ability to continue to provide the very best curriculum which shapes your child's experience at Worthing High School.

We have previously asked for separate contributions for certain subject areas, however we have now decided to centralise this into one overall request at the start of the academic year. Contributions will assist with the costs associated with DT resources, non-consumable cooking resources within Food, equipment within PE and other equipment supplies and resources across all subject areas. Please note, there will be no impact on students, should you choose not to contribute and that payments do not contribute to the cost of extracurricular trips. We fully appreciate that we are all facing challenges with the current cost of living, however we are very mindful of being able to deliver the best we can for your child whilst also navigating through these circumstances.

To make a voluntary contribution to the Worthing High School Support Fund, please either pay a voluntary contribution per month by standing order to the below details, or through Wisepay with the suggested donation amount.

We are suggesting £60 annually or £5 per month, to start in September. To contribute a different amount please indicate this on Wisepay or if you are unable to access this, email [email protected] with the details of the amount you would like to contribute.

Standing order information
Account name: SDET T/a Worthing High School
Account number: 54788960
Sort code: 30-99-93
Payment reference: WHSSF - Child's full name

Once again thank you for your help and support.

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select below)
£ 60.00 -
Voluntary Contribution
£ 0.00 -
I have set up as a standing order
If you are going to pay by standing order please enter the amount here - suggested amounts are £5 monthly, £60 annually 
If you are going to pay by standing order please enter the start date here - first month September 2022 
If you are going to pay by standing order please enter the frequency here 

I understand that this is a voluntary contribution towards the School Support Fund which will enable the school to enhance my child's experience at school 
Yes, I agree.

Gift Aid Declaration

I want to Gift Aid my donation of £60 to South Downs Education Trust
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference

First Name 
Last Name 
Address 1 
Address 2 
Address 3 

Please notify us if you: 1.Want to cancel this declaration 2.Change your name or home address 3.No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code
Protection of Personal Data and GDPR legislation 
Worthing High may ask you to provide personal data on this form. This data is stored by WisePay on behalf of Worthing High, to meet the legal obligations of a contract between WisePay and Worthing High. You are required to give your consent that this data can be processed by Worthing High.

Yes. I consent for this data to be processed by Worthing High

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select above)
Please agree to the required fields.