Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Welcome to our Online Payment Area
Welcome to our Online Payment Area
The recommended amount for voluntary contributions per child is below:

One child £50 per month
Two children £90 per month
Three children £120 per month

The school needs to raise over £65,000 per year to continue to fund the amazing Islamic Studies and Qur'an education, which is not funded by the government.

Consider how much you save by not sending your children to a madrassah?

(If you are unable to comfortably afford the recommended amount, a lower monthly amount is equally welcome -any regular amount you can afford!)

The children are given invaluable lessons that are essential to receiving a good grounding in basic Islamic beliefs and worship and help them to become confident Muslims and great citizens.

The school employs dedicated, qualified, experienced and inspirational staff members who are indispensable to the children's Islamic education. In addition to this the school purchases high quality resources and subscriptions to support these lessons.

The school does note receive any government funding for all of this, which plays such a critical role in its warm Islamic ethos. A lack of funds means that the school has to consider reducing the provision that has made it so unique.

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select below)
£ 0.00 -
choose option from list below
£ 5.00 -
£ 10.00 -
£ 15.00 -
£ 20.00 -
£ 50.00 -
One month cost of a child
£ 90.00 -
One month cost of 2 children
£ 120.00 -
one month cost of 3 children
Enter other amount  
Max 6 digits allowed for payment.
Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select above)