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Cadbury's World Trip - Year 8 Geography only
Cadbury's World Trip - Year 8 Geography only
Cadbury's World Trip - Year 8 Geography only
Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to invite your child to attend a Geography trip on Wednesday 18th March. As Year 8s, they will be learning about Globalisation and as part of the unit in Geography this half term and they have the opportunity to visit Cadbury's World.

The trip comprises of a visit to Cadbury's World in Birmingham with an opportunity to go to a workshop on Globalisation. It will give students the opportunity to link the work done in class to real life and as part of the Geography National Curriculum.

Pupils will be leaving school at 8:30am so will need to be in full school uniform. We aim to return to school by 4.00pm so pupils will be registered on the coach and can leave once we reach school. Students will need to bring packed lunch unless they have free school meal as there will not be an opportunity to buy food.

The cost of the trip is £11, which covers the cost of the ticket to Cadburys World and the 'Globalisation workshop.

Please could you complete the reply slip and return to Miss Pilon or Mrs Patel in the Humanities Office as soon as possible. The deadline for your reply is Friday 6th March. If your child has not returned the slip by this date then their place may be offered to someone else.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at the school should you have any questions regarding this trip.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Patel

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Must be paid in full by the 10th March 2020