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2019/20 School Fund
October 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

RE: School Fund 2019/20

When your child joined Woodcote High School in Year 7, we asked if you would consider paying a fee for School Fund. I would like to explain how we use this valuable voluntary funding stream.

As you will probably be aware all schools are trying to cope and maintain standards of provision against a backdrop of reduced government funding. With increasing demand on our limited and decreasing school budgets, the voluntary funding that we generate through School fund is invaluable; it allows us to continue to provide things like refreshments, games equipment, prizes, student rewards and operating the Minibus for sporting activities and much more. Without the support from parents and carers, we would not be able to continue with these important activities for our students. We are also able to pay for extra resources in school, which benefit all the children.

I would like to thank all parents and carers who supported the school by paying the School Fund contribution last year. The suggested level of subscription is £40 per student and discounted for one or more children from the same family, or £3.50 per month. This can be paid via the following methods, cheque/cash or via Wisepay, alternatively by following these links below.

http://www.woodcote.croydon.sch.uk/269/school-fund-donations. https://mydonate.bt.com/events/schoolfund17

However, it should be emphasised that payment of the school fund is voluntary, if you would prefer to pay an alternative amount, which would also be acceptable.

I would like to thank you in anticipation of your generosity and for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Mrs S Squires
School Business Manager

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Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select below)
£ 40.00 -
Single Student Donation
£ 50.00 -
Multiple Student Donation
Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select above)