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Overdue Library Book(s)
Dear Parent/ Carer,

Overdue Library Book(s)

It appears that, despite many reminders, your son/daughter has not returned the library book.

The library is a valuable resource to all students and it relies on students taking responsibility for the items they have borrowed and returning them promptly as the school cannot afford to lose valuable resources.

Please can the book(s) be returned to the school. If they are lost a £7 payment should be made to cover the cost of their replacement.

Yours faithfully
The Learning Hub team

Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select below)
Please pay £7 fee for one book. 
Max 6 digits allowed for payment.
Please pay £14 fee for 2 books 
Max 6 digits allowed for payment.
Price - £  
(The price will be calculated based on the options you select above)